Curbside pick up

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I forgot to mention that we disabled Curbside pick up because many people were randomly using it, who are no longer social distancing, and don’t need curbside. We are short staffed and can not provide curbside for people who don’t need it for covid reason, and tell us that at the time of their order.

If you are still strictly social distancing because you are still vulnerable to covid, if there is a Special Instruction box with you order (not every item has one) you can write there that you want curbside pick up. Otherwise, please text the store 8575002748 (phone on home page of our website) AT THE TIME OF YOUR ORDER with your name and order number, and say, Curbside please. Otherwise, please plan to pick up at the window, where you will be outdoors. We can not accept curbside requests at the time of pick up.

Thank you for understanding.