Holiday Updates!

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Hello Everyone.  Hope your holiday season has been full of peace. (Okay, only possible if you don’t read the news!) We have some updates:

  1. 1. We will have a limited supply of Apple Crumb pie (VEGAN) for Christmas, starting tomorrow.
  2. 2. We added a 4th donut day on to the menu per popular request. So we will have jelly donuts on 12/21, 12/22, and 12/29. On 12/28 we will have jelly donuts for Hanukkah, but also ones filled with chocolate Or salted caramel.
  3. For those of you who have missed it, we will have bagels 12/21, 12/22, and 12/30
  4. If you are ordering a Bouche Noel, please specify Salted Caramel filling (dairy full) or DF vanilla
  5. We forgot to mention that our Gingerbread cookies are Vegan!

Please get your holiday orders in by 12/18.

Thank you!