Thank you!

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Thank you everyone who generously donated to Jawad’s therapy! We’ve met our goal! It takes a village and 22 of you were that village for Jawad and his family.And the family is over-the-moon happy to have secured another full year of therapy for Jawad. They sent us this photo and video to say thanks to everyone who helped! You are the best.

I’m also sending him Nordic Naturals Children’s DHA, Strawberry – 8 oz – 530 mg Omega-3 with EPA & DHA because it seems better than the version they can get there. If anyone has experience with this, can you let us know? From the reviews, it seems to help children with a variety of issues, including those who don’t/can’t talk. And his doctor in Jordan recommended he take Omega 3 so we’ve been paying for them at a pharmacy there. #helpingothers #ChildrenMatter #thankful #cerebralpalsy