What foods do you fancy?

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I’m not a donut girl, so didn’t have a lot of motivation to develop donuts, and I thought i could never get them light and fluffy. I was wrong! They are hard to make because they need to be much wetter than wheat based dough, but we found the dough is a bit magic. Even if the shape gets changed when we pick it off the tray to fry, in the fryer it seems to remember the shape it rose in. I love that. Magic Donuts. The donut making make me think of cream puffs. They are a bit like a donut, except baked instead of fried. But do Americans in general, and Bostonians in particular eat cream puffs? If we make it, it has to fly off the shelf. Which got me thinking about other tried and true favorites that i never eat/ate and so it doesn’t occur to me to try my hand at making. Do you have a favorite that you would like to see us make? If so, send me a note to info@violettegf.com