What’s Baking, Week of Jan 18th
Preorder from our Menu I hope you all are staying toasty warm. The harsh cold spell is supposed to be gone by tomorrow night. For those of you who have…
Preorder from our Menu I hope you all are staying toasty warm. The harsh cold spell is supposed to be gone by tomorrow night. For those of you who have…
Preorder from our Menu I know this New Year seems different for most of us, particularly those of us who are chronically hopeful about the future. We don't know what…
This week we are open the following days/times. Tuesday 1-6. Weds 11-6, Thursday 10-6:30. Friday 10-4:30. Pick up of preorders starts at 11 every day except Tuesday, which is at…
This week we are open the following days/times. Monday- Weds 11-6. Thursday 10-6:30. Friday 10-5. Pick up is 11-6, everyday except Friday, since we close at 5. Please pick up…
Time Changes to Note. Tuesday and Weds we open at 11 and close at 6. Thurs and Friday we open at 10 and close at 6:30. Sat is still 9-5.…
We are very short staffed on the counter again! This is necessitating that we cut our hours on Tuesday and Weds to 11-6. Hopefully, we can manage with that cut,…